Our Network

SuiGen Hosting, with its well established background in web hosting, has become familiar with the necessities of providing the best web hosting and server solutions available... thereby allowing us to build an incredibly stable and secure web hosting services platform.

Hosting your website with SuiGen Hosting allows you to focus on the development and use of your website - while we handle all the technical networking and server implementations required for the accessibility of your site.

With SuiGen Hosting's experience, we have been able to partner with premier service providers to ensure the availability of services that are required for your site. Several of the layers of partnerships that we have been able to establish include hardware, software, communication, and service partners.

Through many of the partnerships established throughout the years, we have been able to set up a joint network that accommodates more than 21,000 web hosting accounts and over 53,000 domains.

With our extensive global joint network you can take advantage of the unique benefits that each of our data centers has to offer, for the best performance and experience possible:

Supreme DuoServer Data Centers

SuiGen Hosting's AccountPanel SteadFast, Chicago data center in the United States is associated with the largest data center in the world, and is housed in a state of the art data center with premium building features, network connectivity, and security.

SuiGen Hosting's AccountPanel BlueSquare, London data center in the United Kingdom offers excellent accessibility for all European markets as a data center that's built from the ground up with over engineering and robustness in mind... thereby providing excellent network connectivity, server housing features, and security.

SuiGen Hosting's AccountPanel SiSGroup, Sydney data center in Australia is one of the largest data centers in the southern hemisphere, and is housed in a world class data center with enhanced building features, unrivaled network connectivity, and strict security.

cPanel Data Centers

SuiGen Hosting's cPanel Dallas & Fort Worth, Texas data centers in the United States utilize state of the art networking facilities offering fully redundant services that feature a robust infrastructure, superior network connectivity, and elaborate security.


Discover what each of our data centers & network can do for you...