Our cPanel Dallas & Fort Worth
Data Centers

Data Center & Network

SuiGen Hosting's cPanel Dallas & Fort Worth, Texas data centers in the United States utilize state of the art networking facilities offering top notch services by employing complete redundancy in power, HVAC, fire suppression, network connectivity, and security.

With over 35,000 feet of raised floor, the datacenter facility sits atop multiple power grids driven by TXU electric, with PowerWare UPS battery backup power and dual diesel generators onsite.

The HVAC systems are condenser units by Data Aire to provide redundancy in cooling.

Fire suppression includes a pre-action dry pipe system including VESDA (Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus) with over 500 smoke detectors.

Enhanced network connectivity is provided through ten managed backbone providers, including twelve additional third party backbone providers available in the building via cross connect.

Data Center Details

Network Infrastructure

The networking architecture is composed of Enterprise Routing and Switching engines from Juniper and Cisco. Consisting of Juniper M20 Routers as border routers, Cisco 6500 series switches in the distribution and aggregation layers, and Cisco 3500 and 2900 series switches at the customer layer.

The network is fully meshed and redundant with 10 backbone providers - currently consisting of UUNet (GigE), Sprint (GigE), Level 3 (GigE), Global Crossing (GigE), Verio (GigE), AT&T (GigE), Time Warner (GigE), Allegiance Telecom (2 X GigE), Broadwing (GigE), and AboveNet (2 X GigE).


Building Fiber

Backbone Carriers



Our Dallas & Fort Worth, Texas data center facilities utilize simplex security badge entry/exit on all doors to ensure the security of your data's storage and protect your data.

For the security of the digital channels within our networks, we employ many techniques of monitoring network usage.

By utilizing secure networking methodologies and monitoring practices we are able to maintain high standards of data security.

To ensure the accessibility of your data and protect against abuse, we use DataTrax monitoring software for all data center infrastructure.


Discover what our data center & network can do for you by checking out our hosting plans.


The information provided in this page is intended to be used for illustrative purposes only and does not constitute part of any offer or offer to contract. Any information herein contained is not warranted as accurate or complete by SuiGen Hosting.
